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Conference/Workshop participation of InfrafrontierGR staff

A full list of the presentations and participation in local and international conferences is presented below.



  • INFRAFRONTIER GmbH Retreat, 24-25/4/2018, Herrsching, DE, [Participants: Kontoyiannis, Papadaki]

  • 14th Panhellenic Veterinary Congress, 11-13/05/2018, Thessaloniki, GR [Participants: Ntafis, Bozonelos]

  • INFRAFRONTIER2020 Technical Working Group, 11-12/06/2018, Munich, DE [Participants: Kosmopoulou, Bozonelos]

  • INFRAFRONTIER2020 General Project Meeting, 27/6/2018, Brussels, BE [Participant: Diamantopoulou]

  • 15th International Conference on Innate Immunity (Aegean Conference), 18-23/6/2018, Chania, Crete, GR [Participants: Kontoyiannis, Chatzimike-Levidi] (Title: Differential tissue functionalities of RNA controllers engaged under different inflammatory contexts)

  • ELAVENICE 2018, ELAV proteins in physiology and disease, 12-15 /09/ 2018, Venice, IT [Participant: Kontoyiannis]

  • Modeling the Mammalian Microbiota Host Superorganism, Current Tools and Challenges, 12-16/10/2018, Paris, FR [Participant: Stamatakis] (Title: Metaproteomic analysis of gut microbiome and host protein alterations in DSS-induced inflammation and Citrobacter infection mouse models)

  • 2nd INFRAFRONTIER / IMPC Stakeholders Meeting, Advancing Rare Disease Research and Gene Therapy Applications with Animal Models, 2-4/12/2018, Munich, DE [Participants: Skoulakis, Armaka, Ioakeimidis]



  • EOSC-Life Kick-off Meeting, 20-21/03/2019, Amsterdam, NL [Participant: Tsotsou]

  • INFRAFRONTIER/EOSC-LIFE WORKSHOP, 26-27/3/2019, Munich, DE [Participant: Chandras]

  • Research Infrastructures at the Service of Society and the Economy of knowledge, 25/2/2019, Athens, GR [Participants: Tsotou, Papadaki]

  • INFRAFRONTIER2020 Midterm Review Meeting, 14/5/2019, Munich, DE [Participant: Kontoyiannis]

  • Technical Working Group Virtual Workshop, 12/5/2020, [Participants: Kosmopoulou, Bozonelos]

  • EMBO Meeting - Mesenchymal cells in inflammation, immunity and cancer, 19-23/5/2019, Athens, GR [Participants: Kollias, Koliaraki] (Titles: 1. Mesenchymal causalities in inflammation, immunity and cancer & 2. A mesenchymal cell lineage that regulates intestinal epithelial cell differentiation)

  • Infrafrontier/IMPC Conference, Genetic Variation, Big Data and Ageing, 3-5/6/2019, Helsinki, FI [Participants: Ntafis, Nanou, Andreadou, Gargani]

  • IMM2019 Workshop, 10th Workshop on Innovative Mouse Models, 19-22/6/2019, Leiden, NL [Participants: Kosmopoulou, Bozonelos]

  • 16th International Conference on Innate Immunity (Aegean Conference), 7-12/7/2019, Rhodes, GR [Participant: Kontoyiannis] (Title: A macrophage RNA switch connects inflammatory resolution to polarization)

  • RNP NETWORK DYNAMICS IN DEVELOPMENT AND DISEASE, 22/9-2/10/2019, Slovenia [Participant: Birladeanu] (Title: The interaction between the RNA-binding protein hnRNPM and the scaffold protein IQGAP1 affects alternative splicing outcome in gastric cancer)

  • INFRAFRONTIER QM NETWORK GROUP-FACE TO FACE MEETING, 8-9/10/2019, Freising, DE, [Participants: Ntafis, Bozonelos]

  • EMBO Meeting - Cell Death in immunity and inflammation, 6-9/10/2019, Crete, GR [Participant: Armaka] (Title: The mesenchymal inflammatory/death signaling crosstalk in arthritis)

  • INFRAFRONTIER ANNUAL WORKSHOP 2019, 25-27/11/2019, Madrid, ES [Participants: Grammanoudi, Bozonelos]

  • 70ο Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, 29/11 - 1/12/2019, Athens, GR [Participant: Stamatakis, Panayotou] (Title: Gut microbiome and host proteome analysis of mouse fecal samples: age-, sex- and environment-related effects)

  • 2nd Immunology School for Clinicians, 1-2/11/2019, Crete, GR [Participant: Armaka] (Title: Stromal cell contribution in homeostatic and pathogenic immune responses)




  • Stromal Cells in Immunity and Disease, 19-23/02/2020, British Columbia, CA [Participant: Kollias] (Title: Mesenchymal Causalities in Inflammation, Immunity and Cancer)

  • INFRAFRONTIER Virtual QM Workshop, 11/05/2020, online [Participant: Ntafis]


  • EACR 2020 Virtual Congress, 18-19/06/2020, online [Participant: Koliaraki]

  • INFRAFRONTIER Virtual QM Workshop, 23/6/2020, online [Participants: Ntafis, Grammenoudi]

  • INFRAFRONTIER Conference 2020-Targeting Cancer with Animal Models, 7-8/09/2020, online [Participant: Gargani, Koliaraki, Grammanoudi]

  • EASAC communication panel, 23/09/2020, online [Participant: Kollias]

  • 2nd PATHBIO MOUSE IMAGING MASTER CLASS, 21-29/09/2020, online [Participants: Ntafis, Dragolia]

  • SWG TC update on ESFRI landscape, 5/10/2020, online [Participant: Kollias]

  • INFRAFRONTIER QM group: Quality Principles in Phenotyping, 15/10/2020, online [Participant: Ntafis]

  • EASAC Conf. Steering panel, 19/10/2020, online [Participant: Kollias]

  • IRB International PhD Program in Immunology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry 2020-21, Bellinzona, CH, 6/11/2020, online [Participant: Kollias] (Title: Fibroblast causalities in chronic inflammation and cancer)

  • International Conference: Single Cell Regulatory Networks in Development and Disease, 26/11/2020, online [Participant: Kollias]

  • Infrafrontier GmbH Council Retreat, 26/11/2020, online [Participant: Kollias, Kontoyiannis]

  • Infafrontier GmbH Council meeting, 8/12/2020, online [Participant: Papadaki]

  • [INFRAFRONTIER QM group] Quality Principles in Phenotyping, 10/11/2020, online [Participant: Ntafis]

  • [INFRAFRONTIER QM group] Quality Principles in Phenotyping, 3/12/2020, online [Participant: Ntafis]

  • Proteome Discoverer 2_4 Workshop, 7-9/7/2020, online [Participants: Samiotaki, Stamatakis]

  • SUMS-RAS 2020, 28-29/10/2020, online [Participant: Samiotaki] (Title: MASS SPEC: THE NEXT GENERATION!)



  • EOSC-LIFE WP1 Open Call Kick off workshop, 20/01/2021, online [Participants: Chandras, Panou]

  • Infrafrontier Council Strategy Retreat [GmbH members], 24/03/2021, online [Participant: Kollias]

  • EOSC-Life 2nd Annual General Meeting, 25-26/03/2021, online [Participants: Chandras, Panou]

  • Targeting Stromal Cells in Cancer and Inflammatory diseases, 21-22/04/2021, online [Participant: Kollias] (Title: Homeostatic And Pathogenic Dynamics Of Synovial Fibroblast Subpopulations In Modelled TNF-Driven Arthritis)

  • Fibroblasts: from chromatin to therapy in autoimmunity and cancer, University of Zurich, CH, 02/07/2021, online [Participant: Armaka] (Title: Stromal cell activation in mouse and human arthritis)

  • 16th Infrafrontier GmbH Council Meeting, 26/7/2021, online [Participant: Papadaki]

  • 17th Infrafrontier GmbH council meeting, 15/12/2021, online [Participant: Papadaki]



  • Virtual Flow Cytometry Facilities Meeting 2022, 10-11/1/2022, online [Participant: Grammenoudi] (Title: B.S.R.C. “Al. Fleming” Flow Cytometry Facility Grib Talk)

  • 18th Infrafrontier GmbH Council meeting, 30/5/2022, Oulu, FI [Participant: Papadaki]

  • First International Conference on Mesenchymal Cells in Health & Disease, 03-08/06/2022, Crete, GR [Participants: Kollias, Chalkidi, Koliaraki, Armaka, Papadopoulou] (Titles: Col6a1+/CD201+ mesenchymal cells regulate intestinal morphogenesis and homeostasis (Koliaraki), Intestinal fibroblasts display transcriptional and spatial heterogeneity in the TnfΔΑRE model of ileitis (Lida Iliopoulou, Alejandro Prados, Christos Tzaferis, Dimitris Konstantopoulos, Vasiliki Koliaraki, and George Kollias), Single-cell chromatin and transcriptome dynamics of Synovial Fibroblasts transitioning from homeostasis to pathology in TNF-driven arthritis (Maria Sakkou, Dimitris Konstantopoulos, Christos Tzaferis, Matthieu D Lavigne, Anastasios Liakos, Petros P Sfikakis, Meletios A Dimopoulos, Maria Fousteri, Marietta Armaka, and George Kollias), Repurposing of a known antipsychotic drug to target arthritogenic synovial fibroblasts (Dimitra Papadopoulou, Fani Roumelioti, Vasiliki Mavrikaki, Christos Tzaferis, Filippos Charalampous, Niki Karagianni, Maria Denis, Alexis Matralis, and George Kollias))

  • European Workshop for Rheumatology Research, 05-08/05/2022, Vienna, AT [Participants: Roumelioti, Kollias] (Title: miR-221/222 regulate synovial fibroblast expansion and pathogenesis of TNF-mediated arthritis)

  • 17th International Conference on Innate Immunity, 09-14/07/2022, Ioannina, GR [Participant: Kontoyiannis] (Title: hnRNPD as a regulator of proinflammatory to proangiogenic macrophage transitions)

  • CYTO 2022, 03-07/6/2022, Philadelphia, USA [Participant: Grammenoudi] (Title: A quantitative, lyse no-wash blood flow cytometric assay to monitor immune subpopulation changes in inflammatory disease mouse models. (Poster))

  • Hellenic Academy of NeuroImmunology “The patient’s journey”, 23-24/09/2022, Athens, GR [Participant: Nanou] (Title: Anti-TNFα therapies: crossroads of rheumatology and neurology)



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